Simple Tools for Tough Times
How are you all doing?
I know so many of us are not in a good way these days. I certainly haven't been.
I want to share that for those of us who have the luxury of stepping back and practicing self care, this is your reminder of how important it is do so -- not just for your own sake, but to make you a more effective and loving human, which I believe the world needs more of right now.
The world needs us at our best right now in order to fight whatever our version is of the "good fight." And I believe that we need to be able to do this in a way that doesn't have us spewing our own trauma responses all over the place and causing more harm by how we choose to share our message -- as if this whole dumpster-fire weren't bad enough as it is, without pouring more fuel on top. I'm sure I can put myself in that category as well these days.
I can admit that I've let my trauma responses run rampant lately, and have indulged in my own emotional fragility while riding the waves of a dopamine-fueled persecution complex. It's shockingly easy to do if you let it.
We are all human and we are all capable of being messy and making missteps. But our ability to correct course, whether on our own or through the support of our community, is going to be what helps us move forward in an empowered, rather than reactive way.
It's easy to feel powerless in the face of dark forces. But succumbing to them only means that they have won. We all need to be able to guard our resilience and protect our precious life force energy, so that we can put it to its highest possible use.
Leaning into my tools has been the life raft that I have needed in these times to shift me out of the darkness. Here are some very basic things that you can do for yourself, for free or for cheap, today, or sometime this week:
Basic self-care tools:
These tools are about shifting the energy in the moment, so you can get out of the fight-or-flight, trauma-triggered, emotional fragility, allowing you to make more empowered choices for yourself for deeper healing. These aren't magic wands to make all your problems disappear, but they are excellent for moving energy through, so you can reclaim your consciousness and make higher-level choices.
Tapping/EFT. I have learned this through various classes over the years, but there are some amazing tutorials on YouTube that you can just follow along with. I have had some incredibly transformative experiences with this simple tool. It really does work.
Vibrational essences. You can find Rescue Remedy at any local natural foods store. You can take it as drops under the tongue, spray it in your mouth or around you, take it as a pastille, put it in a bath, apply it topically... it really does help to shift you out of a fight-flight-fawn-freeze response in the moment, so you can have your head on straight enough to take steps toward further healing.
Salt & baking soda baths. You don't need to use fancy bath salts with yummy scents. Just using your basic grocery-store, garden-variety salt and baking soda will get you results. Salt is a powerful cleanser and can break up any negative juju that you may have absorbed or internalized. This is, by far, one of the most valuable tips that I've learned in any of my trainings! I can't tell you how refreshed I feel after taking a bath with these simple ingredients. It always helps me feel better.
Take a walk outside. It's one of those things that is so basic that we can easily let it be background noise, but it's no joke how therapeutic a walk in the woods can be.
BOUNDARIES. Reclaim your emotional territory. TAKE BREAKS FROM SOCIAL MEDIA. TAKE BREAKS FROM THE NEWS. You don't need to have your head in the sand, but you don't need to submerge yourself, either.
Support. Phone a friend. Cultivate your community. Reach out to people who know you well, who can help bring you back to yourself.
Next-level tools under the guidance of a practitioner:
Homeopathy. Nearly all of my new clients these days are coming to me for support that includes healing ancestral trauma, emotional fragility, and internalized antisemitism, along with their physical symptoms.
Microdosing plant medicine. I also work with plant extracts that work on the nervous system when microdosed. These are beautiful for helping us to get back into conscious choice with how we spend our energy.
Custom vibrational essences. These will be formulated to your specific issues and desires.
Reach out if you’re looking for a supportive presence to help you get un-stuck, so you can be your wisest and most loving self in these trying times.