Classical Homeopathy
About Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a complete system of healing that has been around for over 200 years. Developed by a German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathy is now the second-most used medical system in the world, and the fastest growing, according to the World Organization of Health.
Homeopathy is nontoxic, evidence-based, and versatile, with a wide range of applications including mental, emotional, and physical symptoms.
Classical Homeopathy
Classical homeopathy has the aim of finding a single remedy to match your whole symptom-picture.
Rather than taking multiple remedies for multiple issues, classical homeopathy works with one remedy at a time to address your constellation of symptoms as they appear on the physical, emotional, and mental planes.
Homeopathic Principles
Law of Similars
Homeopathy works on the alchemical principle of the Law of Similiars - “like heals like.” This is a time-honored and battle-tested philosophy of healing through sympathetic resonance. This principle was first put into writing by the Renaissance alchemist, Paracelsus. The Law of Similars works by way of pattern-matching. Unlike suppressive approaches that try to create an opposite effect in the body, this approach allows the symptoms to fall away while strengthening the system overall.
The Minimum Dose
Homeopathy advocates for the use of the minimum effective dose to get you results. It works by way of nano-particles that stimulate a hormetic response in your system. This is an alchemical principle in action. It works on an entirely different mechanism than pharmaceuticals, herbs, or supplements.
Individualized Care
Homeopathy seeks to understand each person’s direct experience in order to discern the signature pattern being expressed. Through in-depth consultations and analyses, a recommendation is made for your unique constellation of symptoms on the physical, emotional, and mental planes. This is different from practitioners who treat people based on their named condition. Homeopathy seeks to find the right solution on a case-by-case basis.
Learn more about my individualized approach
Totality of Symptoms
Homeopathy works on an understanding of imbalance through a meaningful totality of one’s characteristic symptoms. Through perceiving the totality, or the pattern, we can arrive at an understanding of the underlying imbalance, and work to address it at that level. This is a different approach from suppressing symptoms or addressing things in a reductionist way. This way of working ties together all your different parts and addresses you as a whole.
“The highest ideal of cure is the rapid, gentle, and permanent restoration of health by the most trustworthy and least harmful way.”
— Samuel Hahnemann, founder of homeopathy
Resources for further investigation:
Intro to Homeopathy
Homeopathy: Beyond Flat Earth Medicine (PDF download)
Curious about what’s possible with homeopathy?
Homeopathy is guided by your symptoms, as felt and expressed uniquely through you. You do not need to have a diagnosis or a named condition in order for me to arrive at a remedy to support you.
That said, since our culture really values diagnoses, you can click below to see some of the conditions I have supported people with in my career as a homeopath.
“The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole.”
Supporting your whole being.
A homeopathic consultation is a lengthy, in-depth look at all the factors that make you unique. It connects the dots between your seemingly disconnected symptoms. When a homeopathic remedy is administered, it has the capacity to impact all aspects of your being: your mood and outlook, your physical symptoms, and your mental functioning, either simultaneously, or sequentially over time. This varies with each person and circumstance.