Homeopathy meets you where you’re at.

Looking for improved sleep, ease from stress and anxiety, relief from chronic symptoms, shortening the duration of an illness, or recovering from an injury? Homeopathy can help.

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 What is homeopathy?


Homeopathy is a complete system of healing. 

Homeopathy is a natural healing modality that was developed over 200 years ago by a German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann.  It has an impressive track record for treating all sorts of conditions, from acute to chronic, to mental, emotional, and physical.  It is currently used by over 200 million people worldwide.  According to the World Health Organization, homeopathy is the fastest growing and second-most used medical system in the world!


 Homeopathy is individualized healing.

Working with a classical homeopath is a highly individualized experience — no cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all protocols here.  You are unique.  Your story is unique.  Your symptoms manifest in a pattern that is unique to you. My approach is to listen deeply to your story, and symptoms, and to find the right healing agent for YOU.

Western Medicine provides diagnoses in its attempts to find a pattern, or commonality, among multiple people with similar data points. Yet, not everybody experiences their symptoms in the same way. There is much variation of experience even among those who suffer from the same named condition.

Homeopathy aims to find what is unique to each individual. You may have the same diagnosis as thousands, or millions, of other people, but homeopathy is interested in YOUR unique experience of symptoms. Unlike a doctor who is treating your named condition, homeopathy treats YOU.

Many people report that they feel like a better version of themselves when under the care of a homeopath.


 Homeopathy is safe.

There are no toxic chemicals and no side-effects. (In fact, many people report “side benefits!”) Homeopathic remedies are highly dilute preparations made by homeopathic pharmacies in accordance with the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS), are regulated by the FDA, and held to the highest standards.

 Homeopathy is evidence-based.

There is a growing body of research, including published, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies, that attests to the efficacy of homeopathy. Check out these organizations to learn more:

What is the difference between acute and chronic conditions?




Acute conditions typically develop rapidly, have only been around for a few weeks or less, and generally have a clear exciting cause, such as a virus, injury, or bacteria. These conditions are self-limiting, and are usually completely different from your baseline state of health.


Chronic conditions have been around for more than a few weeks. Chronic consultations cover every aspect of a person’s health, including a personal health history, family health history, emotional state, and all body systems. My goal is to find the through-line that runs through all of your symptoms, however they manifest, and to find a remedy that matches the pattern of your imbalance.


What is “classical” homeopathy?

Classical homeopathy endeavors to practice the way it was intended by its founder, Samuel Hahnemann. As a classical homeopath, I don’t micromanage your symptoms by giving you multiple remedies. I aim to find the one remedy to rule them all - the one remedy that can help heal as many symptoms as possible, on the mental, emotional, and physical planes. This approach gets to the root of your imbalance. Using multiple remedies or protocols runs the risk of suppressing symptoms, only to have them bloom into a deeper issue. The classical approach sparks your body’s healing mechanisms and allows you to heal from the inside out.


 “I sought truth earnestly, and found it.”

—Samuel hahnemann, 1843


What to expect

Every client I see comes with their own unique presentation. My work is to receive your case thoroughly, and make evaluations on the basis of your particular symptoms, regardless of whether you have a diagnosis. This approach is what allows me to address the imbalance that underlies your symptoms, both mental and physical.

Once your consultation is booked:

  • Pre-consult: I’ll send over some paperwork, including a comprehensive health history form, as well as questionnaires to get more information about your current symptoms. Before we even meet together, I’ll spend some time working on your case based on the information you provide, that will help me guide our conversation and make the most efficient use of our time together.

  • Consult: Our first meeting will be about 2 hours. During this time, I’ll get to know everything about what you’ve already been through, and what you’re currently struggling with, to get the complete picture of how things manifest in your body and mind.

  • Post-consult: After our meeting, I will spend some time analyzing and researching your case. This usually takes me several hours. I will usually get back to you within 24 hours with a remedy recommendation.

  • Remedy Recommendation: Once I’ve settled on a remedy recommendation, I will send detailed instructions through our secure portal with information about the remedy, potency, how to take it, and how to procure it.

  • Check-in: We will check in via the portal about 7-10 days after you’ve started the remedy, to see how things are going.

  • Follow-up #1: Our first follow-up will be 3-6 weeks after you’ve started the remedy.

  • Follow-up #2: Our second follow-up will be 3-6 later.

Throughout our work together, I give you my full presence. I am here to support you on your healing journey, with whatever comes up along the way. I am available for communication at any point, with any questions, concerns, or acute situations that arise over the course of treatment.


Photo by Danielle Tait

Rachel is worth EVERY penny and more. Healing the root cause, having someone truly listen to you, and hear you, is truly priceless. If you were thinking about choosing Rachel to guide you in healing with homeopathy, I would tell you not to second think it at all! She is such a beautiful soul, and so great to work with.
— Miranda Cross, Colorado

There have been two great revelations in my life. The first was bebop, the second was homeopathy.

Dizzy Gillespie

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