What to expect from homeopathic treatment

Healing Process Homeopathy GERD Achalasia ADHD

The healing process is not always linear.

Homeopathic remedies, when practiced in the classical, constitutional way of working, address the core of a person's imbalance. This is a different approach from mere symptom relief. While symptoms can certainly improve quickly, this may be secondary to more global changes. You may notice things like improved sleep and mood, and that you just FEEL better, before you notice any drastic improvement in your chief complaint. This is a good sign, and indicates that we are on the right path. Your chief complaint will improve with time and consistent repetition of the remedy, in the manner that your homeopath recommends for you.

Your body has incredible wisdom. It has its own order for healing. It knows what to prioritize. If you're experiencing more global improvements after starting on your remedy, you can rest assured that you are healing on a deeper level. You may also experience a temporary return of old symptoms as the body has increased resources to address these issues on a deeper level. These usually pass through quickly, but should be reported so we can track them.

It took time to get to the point where you are now. It will take time, and consistency, to rebalance your system. Please know that this is a marathon, not a sprint, and always report any concerns to your homeopath. 

Homeopathy is very different from other modalities, even other "natural" modalities.   It works on a deeper and more global level, to heal the root cause of your imbalance. Rather than addressing your symptoms piecemeal, we seek to understand and heal the totality, to get to the core. 


Children tend to heal more rapidly than adults, who have had many years for their issues to crystallize. With kids, we want to see similar sorts of global improvements: better quality of sleep, improved moods, new developmental milestones achieved.

Communication is key. Please always reach out through your Practice Better portal with any questions or concerns!


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