On the importance of cultivating a healing mindset
What does it look like to cultivate a healing mindset, and why is it important?
I'm just gonna give it to you straight.
I spent years thinking that my chronic illness was just a physical problem to be solved.
That I could supplement my way to health.
That there was some magic bullet modality out there that was going to save me.
That healing was something that came easy to other people, but not to me.
That I was too far gone and broken to feel better in my body.
That I was doomed to be a wounded healer who got great results for my clients, but not myself.
I left no stone unturned. I tried pharmaceuticals, herbs, many esoteric modalities, just about every diet you can imagine, gadgets, supplements, lifestyle techniques.
Some things helped. Some things made me much worse. I went through a lot, made many mistakes, and learned a whole lot about what it means to live in my body.
Of all the things I tried, the main thing that moved the needle, the most powerful healing force, was making the decision to adopt a healing MINDSET and to stop seeing my illness as merely a physical problem to solved.
My health, and my life, changed radically for the better when I committed 100% to radical self-honesty and self-responsibility.
WTF even is mindset work?
It's not about visualizing yourself healed and hoping for the best.
It's not magical thinking.
It's about doing the work, day in and day out, to get yourself to where you want to be, guided by your goals.
It's a full commitment to yourself.
It's deepening into self-trust, body wisdom.
It's being open to crazy wisdom over conventional wisdom
It's galvanizing the forces of all the power that you have access to, toward a single aim.
It's being open to possibility even when you feel like you're backed into a corner or trapped in a well.
It's being open to the possibility that you are more powerful than you may have realized.
Because, as Einstein famously said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."
Because, in the words of Henry Ford, "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right."
Because, from the other side, you get to say, "I fucking healed myself" -- and it's seriously the best feeling ever.
If you can do that... what else are you capable of?