Conditions We Work With
Our holistic, vitalist approach is based in a sound understanding of physiology, and how to create the conditions to help the body to function optimally. This approach can truly address many health issues, even longstanding ones, while also addressing the underlying terrain, to reduce susceptibility to future issues.
Here's what sets this practice apart from other natural health or holistic practices:
We do a comprehensive, detailed assessment of your current symptoms, including what makes you feel better or worse.
We do a thorough reckoning of your health history, so we can see how various life events and circumstances have impacted your health, as well as understanding the progression of your symptoms over time.
We also look at your family health history so we can understand what susceptibilities might be at play from your genetics, as well as your epigenetics.
We treat you as a whole person by evaluating your constitutional, temperament, and diathesis.
We provide gentle, safe, and effective interventions designed to stimulate your vital force and remove obstacles to health.
Unlike practices that provide band-aid approaches, that only mask your symptoms with drugs, herbs, and supplements, our approach gives your body what it needs to actually repair and rebuild itself.
Our interventions can help you to reduce your susceptibility to future issues.
We provide frequent communication between sessions as a supportive guide, helping you to fine-tune your treatment.
We provide education and resources to empower you, as the person responsible for your health.
General Wellness Services
If you're generally pretty healthy, classical homeopathy can provide a tune-up for your vital force.
Biotherapeutic drainage can also support the generally healthy person to clear any accumulated debris. This is recommended to do once or twice a year to prevent health issues from taking root.
These are some of the conditions that I have encountered in my work with clients. Homeopathy works differently than Western medicine, in that a diagnosis or named condition is not needed to find a remedy that can support you. Many “mystery illnesses” can be successfully resolved with homeopathy.
Clinical Experience
Autoimmunity & Chronic Inflammatory Conditions
Mycotoxin Illness/CIRS/MCAS
Lyme & Co-infections
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Chronic UTIs
Seasonal & Environmental Allergies
Digestive Issues
Celiac, Crohn’s
Food Allergies & Sensitivities
Heart Health
Heart Disease
Congestive Heart Failure
Hormonal Imbalance
Birth Control Recovery
Fertility, Pregnancy & Postpartum
Pregnancy & Birth Support
Postpartum Depression & Anxiety
Mastitis & Lactation
Childhood Complaints
Pediatric Behavioral Issues
Fears, Nightmares
Chronic Ear Infections
Developmental Delays
Learning Challenges/Dyslexia
Motor tics
Mental Wellbeing
Addiction & Alcoholism
Anxiety & Depression
ADHD, OCD, Tourette’s
Eating Disorders
Metabolic Health
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Respiratory Health
Whooping Cough