A Manifesto for Healing with Elegance

What is “healing with elegance”?

Healing can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people. I’m using the term specifically for people dealing with chronic, ongoing health issues who KNOW they can feel better in their bodies, but aren’t getting the results they desire with what they’ve been trying so far.

From Wikipedia, “Elegance is beauty that shows unusual effectiveness and simplicity.” This is the path that we are all capable of: streamlined, simplified, and incredibly effective.

Healing with Elegance is my philosophy to help you cut through the noise and confusion, get better results, and enjoy the process.

My path to healing has been incredibly messy at times. I’ve taken many missteps, spent lots of unnecessary time and money on things that didn’t really work, and have even done things that have made me much worse.

I’m here to spare you from all that and to help you get the results that you desire for your health, so that you can do the things you want to do in life!

1. Cultivate a healing mindset.

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." ~Einstein

Take radical self-responsibility for your healing. Decide that it's your time, and that you're ready to do what it takes to make some big gains. Going down internet rabbit holes and learning all the information may not be helpful if you’re not willing to make actual changes — and may cause overwhelm and confusion, neither of which will help you heal. Who do you need to be to become a person that can heal themself? What else can open up for you once you do? This is not magical thinking. This is putting your power back where it belongs: with you.

2. Use the force.

"Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease." ~Hippocrates

Your body has an amazing capacity to heal. Find the things that amplify your life force and do more of them. Check out my list of practices* that activate the body’s healing response, and consider incorporating one or more into your life.

3. Healing is removing.

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

You don't need oodles of supplements, the newest shiny frequency device, or fancy superfood smoothies. When you're in a healing mode, it's time to simplify. Don't make it harder for your body by giving it a million different things to process. We all know the temptation of wanting to throw everything and the kitchen sink at a problem when we so desperately want to feel better. This is usually counter-productive. Less is more. Focus on simple nourishment. Give your digestive system periodic breaks. Get rid of anything that interferes with your body's ability to heal itself. If you're not getting results, go deeper. What your body can do without will amaze you.

4. Practices (and practitioners) over products.

Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches all over your body.” ~George Carlin

Or like trying to heal by accumulating tons of supplements! Start incorporating one or more practices that elicit your body's healing response. These are all free, low/no tech, can be learned and practiced on your own, and are gentle* and noninvasive when used wisely. These practices can have massive results, not least of which is thinning out your supplement graveyard. You don’t need to buy into the wellness industry or subscribe to green allopathy* — this is just playing into the hands of people trying to sell you things, and not activating the true healing that you need.

5. Titrate.

“The dose makes the poison.” ~Paracelsus

Too much of a good thing is usually just too much. This goes for both practices and products. Don’t overdo it. Use the minimum dose needed to elicit a healing response. Know the healthy ranges for you and don't exceed them. Be conservative: err on the side of too little, and increase incrementally until you find your optimum dose. Also, take advantage of micro- or nano-doses to stimulate the body's healing response.

6. Progress over perfection.

“Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Healing takes time -- sometimes way more time than you think. Embrace this and let it be a process. Celebrate every win. This rewires your nervous system, as well as shifting it into a healing mode. Get familiar with nature time. Slow down. Savor. Get into your body. Develop a relationship with your sensations. Healing is a marathon, not a sprint.

6. Try the least invasive things first.

“First, do no harm.” ~Hippocrates

No need for a sledgehammer when a simple hammer will do. The more invasive the modality, the more disruption to your life, and the greater potential risk to you. Start simple and go up from there, only if needed. Give things time to act. Food is your foundation. Eat for optimal digestive capabilities.

8. Know Thyself.

“This above all: to thine own self be true.” ~William Shakespeare

One person's medicine is another person's poison. Just because somebody says that something is "healthy" doesn't mean that it's good for YOU. Get into your body. Cultivate your inner authority. Get really clear on how your body responds to various stimuli. Find what lights you up and do more of it.

9. Healing is Deprogramming.

"It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society." ~Krishnamurti

It takes a great deal of strength to choose health in the context of a culture that offers so many choices that may not be in our best interest. Consider the things that are heavily advertised, and ask yourself Cultivate the inner strength to do what nourishes you and avoid what doesn’t, which may mean going against the grain. You, and your health, are worth it.

10. Integration over isolation.

Healing happens from the inside out. Try to limit Bandaid approaches that make you feel better in the short-term by masking symptoms, but don't actually provide true, lasting healing. These may create more problems over time. You are a whole person, with a multitude of parts, and you exist within a bigger picture of other people, other animals, trees, plants, rocks, water, stars. Your influence extends beyond yourself. Connection is key. We are wired for relationship. It starts with your relationship with yourself.


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