Rachel Koppelman
Curriculum Vitae
1998-2001: Tufts University, Medford, MA. B.A. in Psychology
Licensure & Certifications
Certified Classical Homeopath, Council for Homeopathic Certification
Certified Holistic Health Coach, with Honors, Institute for Integrative Nutrition and Teachers College, Columbia University
Certified GAPS Nutritional Protocol Practitioner
Certified Human Intestinal Microbiome in Health and Disease Specialist
Certified Homeoprophylaxis Practitioner
Licensed Massage Therapist in the State of Massachusetts (former)
2025: New England School of Homeopathy with Drs. Amy Rothenberg, ND, CCH and Paul Herscu, ND, CCH (in process)
2025: Miasms, with Durr Ellmore, ND, CCH
2024: Sarcodes and Nosodes in Homeopathy, with Anne Vervarcke
2024: Homeopathy and the Human Microbiome: The key to Lyme and other Chronic Diseases
2024: Posology and Homeopathic Pharmacy Topics
2024: Thymuline - Immune Support for Vulnerable Populations
2024: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
2022: Polarity Analysis
2021: The Chronic Diseases, with Will Taylor, MD, ND
2021: Understanding and Working with the Bowel Nosodes, with Will Taylor, MD, ND
2020: Simple Strategies for Success in Homeopathy; Learning the Materia Medica; Homeopathy and Epidemics, with Jeremy Sherr
2020: Supervision with Johanna Antar, CCH
2020: Hahnemannian Posology & Practical Case Management: Applying Hahnemann’s Advanced Methods in Contemporary Practice, with Gregory Pais
2019-2020: Academy of Homeopathy Education, graduate, full-time program
2018-2019: International Academy of Classical Homeopathy with George Vithoulkas
2015: Supervision with Jhuma Biswas, CCH
2013-2015: Teleosis Homeopathic Collaborative, Newton, MA. Classical Homeopathy Professional Program. (Teleosis closed its doors due to financial reasons after my second year of the three-year program.)
Biotherapeutic Drainage & Gemmotherapy
2025: Energetic Medicine and Drainage Mastery & Mentorship Program with Dr. Holly Castle, ND (in process)
2025: Biological Medicine with Dickson Thom, DDS, ND
2025: Intro to Drainage with Dr. Mark Iwanicki, ND
2024: Gemmotherapy Practicum 2
2023: Gemmotherapy Practicum 1
2020: Advanced Gemmotherapy: Restoring Alkalinity
2018-19: Gemmotherapy for Pregnancy, Menses, Fertility
2018: Gemmotherapy for Babies and Children
2018: Foundations of Gemmotherapy 1 & 2
2024: GAPS Nutritional Protocol Certified Practitioner
2017-2018: Copernican Institute for Mineral Metabolism, certification in mineral analysis and nutritional counseling.
2017: Holistic Nutrition Lab, Full Body Systems, ten-month immersion in functional nutrition.
2006-2007: Teachers College, Columbia University + the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Certified as a Holistic Health Counselor through Columbia University, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP).
Plant Medicine
2017: Flora Corona, Colored Light Elixir Therapy, Bach/Kramer Body Map Therapy. Topical and internal applications of flower essences, colored light elixirs, and gem elixirs.
2013: Delta Gardens, Flower Essence Practitioner Program.
2011: The Gaia School of Earth Education and Healing, nine-month herbal apprenticeship.
2016: Upledger Institute, Craniosacral Therapy, Level One.
2014: Acutonics Sound Healing, Levels One & Two.
2010-2011; 2013: Cortiva Institute, Watertown, MA. Licensed Massage Therapist.